
City of Pawhuska

Posted: Feb 05, 2025 9:58 AMUpdated: Feb 05, 2025 10:06 AM

Elevated Lead Levels in Pawhuska Water

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Ty Loftis

The City of Pawhuska recently received a 2023 report stating they have elevated levels of lead in the drinking water. This can be foundf in some homes and buildings. Lead can cause serious problems for anyone, but especially young children and pregnant women. 

In 2023, the City received samples from locations where water was not being used at all or not on a regular basis. The longer water sits in the water lines, the higher the lead levels will be. The City is now adding polyphosphate to the water to protect it from corrosion. They are also sampling DEQ approved water sampling sites where water is used on a normal basis. 

To reduce your chances of being exposed, you are encouraged to run your water to flush out the lead, use cold water for preparing meals, test your water for lead, get your blood tested and identify and replace any plumbing fixtures containing lead. 

Boiling water will not reduce your chances of getting lead. This is why you are encouraged to look for alternative sources of water. For more information, you can call 918-287-1882.  


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